Ice Cream Cone Jan 14

A side hike from Long VCanyon
P1169834   ICE CREAM CONE P1169836   Starting from the Long Canyon trailhead P1169837 P1169839
P1169841 P1169843   We turn off the public trail and climb the Long Canyon wall P1169844 P1169846
P1169847 P1169848 P1169849 P1169851
P1169853 P1169855 P1169856 P1169857
P1169858 P1169859 P1169860 P1169861
P1169862 P1169863 P1169864 P1169865   Kissing Rocks
P1169879 P1169881 P1169882 P1169883
P1169884 P1169885 P1169886 P1169887
P1169888   Ice Cream ruin. This intact wooden lintel was laid in 1200 CE P1169889 P1169890 P1169891
P1169892   Rock art P1169893 P1169894 P1169896
P1169901   This sheltered spot was large enough for agriculture P1169903 P1169905 P1169906
P1169907 P1169909 P1169910 P1169911
P1169913 P1169915 P1169919   A chewed corn quid P1169920
P1169922 P1169923 P1169925 P1169926
P1169928   The view directly overhead P1169930 P1169932 P1169933
P1169934 P1169935 P1169936 P1169938   Time for a break!
P1169939 P1169940 P1169941 P1169942
P1169944 P1169946 P1169947 P1169948
P1169949   A deer track P1169951 P1169952 P1169953
P1169954 P1169955   Ledging our way toward the amphitheater at the upper end of the canyon P1169956 P1169957
P1169958 P1169960 P1169961 P1169962
P1169963   Giant manzanita P1169964 P1169965 P1169966   Small alcoves next to a wash
P1169967 P1169968 P1169970 P1169971
P1169972 P1169973 P1169976   We're in the big amphitheater now, and time for lunch P1169977
P1169978 P1169979 P1169980 P1169981   There are more ruins up there in the cave
P1169982 P1169984   Coming down fro the amphitheater... P1169986   ...and back on the public trail P1169988   A huge alligator jumiper
P1169990 P1169992 P1169993 P1169994   A last look back at the start of the canyon
P1169995 P1169996 P1169997